

A proposal regarding the best course of action in a certain situation. When giving out recommendations to companies, it’s like giving out suggestions as to what would make your company flow even better. This honestly helps the company stay relevant and take over the intimate apparel industry. There are so many recommendations that I could have listed, but we have kept the list short. We believe that Victoria’s Secret is already well-ran business, but it never hurts to include a few more additions or improvements to the company. We mentioned that they need a strong Wi-Fi connection, excellent Customer Support and the Victoria’s Secret Application. These recommendations can be great improvements and game-changers for the company, for sure.


In order for Victoria’s Secret to run their run, they absolutely need a strong Wi-Fi connection. When on the Wi-Fi connection, you can complete tasks that were given to you by your manager or co-worker. Without the connection, there’s literally nothing the company can do. They wouldn’t be able to fill out the orders, they wouldn’t be able to manage the inventory and not be able to communicate with one another within the store or company. Wi-Fi makes a huge difference within a company, I can’t imagine a company running without any Wi-Fi. For our suggestion, they should install Wi-Fi extenders throughout the stores and companies that Victoria’s Secret to make sure that there’s no dead spots and that every spot is under Wi-Fi. This way there aren’t any issues with the Wi-Fi connection and everyone within the company can do their job accordingly.

Customer Support:

We feel that customer support is an essential within every company whether we frustrating times with it or not. Customer support can try and resolve the issue that the customer is having about the company or store. Customers normally call customer support whenever someone needs clarification on the return policy, the product isn’t so good, a coupon isn’t working and so on. Without customer support, you would have to march to the store that you went to when you purchased the item and settle it there. No one really wants to do that, they rather just deal with everything from home. Customer support literally makes the process so much easier depending on what the issue is that customer is having. We salute to anyone that works in customer support.

Victoria’s Secret Application:

This was probably the best innovation that Victoria’s Secret did, creating an application for your smartphones. All you simply have to do is go to your App Store whether you’re on an iPhone or Android and search Victoria’s Secret. They made shopping for intimate apparel so much easier, everything literally at your fingertips. You can order anything that the app provides depending if the product is sold out and once the transaction goes through, the product will be shipped to your house within a couple of days. It’s the same process as if you were ordering from online on their website, but you’re shopping off your phone rather than your laptop. The application will also notify you whether there’s deals and sales currently going on at the nearest store to you or on the online website/application. Without the application, shopping would be difficult because you would have to wait until you get to a computer to do what you want rather than just simply hop on your phone and adding stuff to your cart to check out.
